Crazy Unreal

Build something futuristic/unique that triggers curiosity and excitement in the readers’ minds. You can start blogging about the latest and greatest innovations including those yet …

Alternative Fashion Crowd

Fashion freak? Build a unique blog for the alternative fashion crowd. This will be a very specific niche with a dedicated, passionate following. If planning …

Rate the Charities

Start blogging about the charitable organizations around you and worldwide. Provide information, insights and association options/details on various charitable organizations. Who are the audience? There …

My Book Of Wishes

Build a unique website to share your (and your readers’) wishes, goals, and dreams. You could then include content uniquely designed for specific user categories …

The Fruitologist

Did you know you could blog about fruits and become authoritative in that field? While it can be fun to learn about all the different …

Not Yet Discovered

Another catchy blog idea for the innovator/explorer in you! When it comes to ideas not yet discovered, the sky’s the limit. Blog about your research …

Taboo Space

Spark conversations and open up dialogues about topics that are often considered too controversial or sensitive to discuss. These are topics everyone wants to read …